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Let's go outside!

This is rather meant to be a small announcement for those who follow my work rather than a real blog-entry: Wet-plate Collodion is a fascinating technique, challenging at the beginning, surprisingly easy once fully understood, but always full of problems that need solving. The biggest one is already included in the name: WET-plate Collodion. If you work with this technique, once a plate has been prepared for exposure, you have a very limited timeframe in which photos can be taken. Depending on temperature, humidity and your Collodion-recipe, you have at best 20 minutes between taking your plate out of the silver-bath and developing it. This means of course that you can't take pictures outside a certain area around your beloved darkroom, which has quickly become a very annoying limitation for me.

Of course there are often some dark basements where you could improvise a bit, but it takes a whole bunch of tries until you convince a stranger to let you use there basement, and as soon as you deploy your material, you will realize that bizarre smells and strange recipients tend to have a rather alarming effect on the kind person who let you enter their place. This is why I have decided to build what seems to be the best solution: a mobile darkroom. After having seen several models on the internet, I made my plan, primarily based on the Darkbox Borut Peterlin uses in his Land Rover. The Project is not realized yet, but I will publish the result on here very soon. In the meantime, there won't be many new photos appearing on here as I became incredibly bored of taking photos within 200 meters around my house... But once finished, there is a big new project I'm already thinking about, so stay tuned!

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