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Let's go!

Finally the day has come: you are probably one of the first guests of my very first website on the subject of photography!

It's been an unusual twist for me: I decided from the first second on that I wanted to stick with the traditional techniques of photography, not involving any digital processing or tools. I always felt like today's photography was untrustworthy, the numerous ways of manipulating and enhancing a digital shot being a way of avoiding true inspirational interaction with one's subject. I refuse any post-production trickery, everything you see here is merely cropped and has been enhanced under the enlarger for darkness and contrast. As a result, the initial shot needs to be very close to the desired end product, which is the one very important characteristic that makes the old, analog photography so much more attractive to me.

Anyhow, after some years of laborious darkroom work, I felt like it was time to share some of my creations instead of stacking them endlessly in the drawers, which is why Silver-Iris has been created.

I can't wait for you to see what the past time has brought up, read what you think about it, get (hopefully) some positive feedback, or even some negative one, so I can build up on this and continue my journey through the world of this wonderful art.

So enjoy what you can discover here, share if you like what you've seen, and get in touch for any questions or suggestions!

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