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How it all started

Mesmerized since my early childhood by the mystic, shiny Rolleiflex enthroned in the glass cabinet at my home, photography has always fascinated me; even if I hadn't the slightest idea how this thing might work, it never ceased attracting my interest. So, as soon as I had encountered the right people who could help me fulfill my longlasting wish of taking photos myself with this fascinating camera, I seized the opportunity, and you are now witnessing the result of that story.

I feel like photography has become the language in which I can express myself the best, and in which everybody is able to understand me.
So this seems to me like the ideal place to thank the people who taught me that language and supported me on that way.


A huge thanks goes to:


Mme Nicole Deviscour,

Mr Jeannot Thill,

Dr Marita Ruiter,

Mr Joel Nepper and Mme Severine Peiffer,

as well as friends and family.



Black and white photography
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